February 22, 2018, Baytown, TX.

Ron Dobbs

Representative for United Salt

Eventbrite - February Lunch-N-Learn: Salt 101

Hear the state of the Salt Industry and the what steps the United Salt plant took during a natural disaster. Join us for networking & lunch at Iguana Joes (9118 Texas 146, Baytown, TX). Immediately following, those that are able, please join us for a tour of the United Salt plant (a 10 minute drive from Iguana Joes). Tour will be approximately 1.5 hours.

Thanks to our Sponsor

United Salt support allows this Lunch’n Learn to happen.  Proceeds from Lunch Sponsorships go directly our AlamoIFt’s Scholarship fund!  Learn More.

Days left to Register








Date:February 22, 2018

11:00 – 1:30 AM Networking/ Lunch at Iguana Joe’s
1:30- 3:00 PM Plant Tour at United Salt Corp.

Networking Location: 
Iguana Joes
9118 Texas 146
Baytown TX 77520

Plant Tour Location: 
United Salt Corp.
7901 Farm to Market 1405
Baytown, TX 77523

Iguana Joes

United Salt Corp.

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