March 31, 2016, San Antonio, TX.
Effective sanitation is a must and staple of all food safety programs. From your equipment, floor, wall and to the ceiling a solid sanitation programs are essential for the quality of food. This training will serve as a refresher for most employee but how we forget the little things that tend to get us in trouble. AFCO 13 Steps Training will help to lay the foundation of a solid training program as well as enhance current SSOP’s.
About the Speaker
Eric Caballero
AIB Sanitation Certified, Customer Care Specialist, AFCO
For almost 30 years, Eric Caballero has helped professionals in both the food manufacturing and retail food service. Currently, he serves as Customer Care Specialist with AFCO assisting food manufactures with the sanitation programs. Eric is AIB Sanitation Certified and SQF practitioner. With 10 years working with the chemical industry, he has gained expertise with cleaning processing in fluid cip, bakery, meat, conventional processing and vegetable processing.