Thank you to all who were able to attend last month’s Lunch-N-Learn in Austin. Tejas Bhatt’s presentation on Food Traceability was very informative. As the Director of the Global Food Traceability Center, Tejas is well traveled and we were fortunate that he was able to visit the Alamo Section and welcome him back anytime.
As we turn our attention to the last meeting in our spring Lunch-N-Learn series, we will depart from our normal format, and this month we will be meeting at La Cantera Resort, in conjunction with the Texas Food Processors Association (TFPA). Our meeting will be held May 26th, with the options below (AlamoMay26thMtg) for attendees to choose from. This is TFPA’s annual meeting, so we invite you to join us and spend some time networking with both organizations, and learning from the scheduled speakers